Submitted on 08 Feb 2013
Molecular dynamics modeling of self-diffusion along a triple junction
Timofey Frolov, Yuri Mishin
We propose a computational procedure for creating a stable equilibrium triple
junction (TJ) with controlled grain misorientations. We apply this procedure to
construct a TJ between a {\Sigma}5(210) grain boundary (GB) and two general
high-angle GBs in copper, and calculate the diffusion coefficients along the TJ
and the GBs using molecular dynamics with an embedded-atom potential. The TJ
diffusion is only a factor of two faster than diffusion in the {\Sigma}5 GB but
significantly faster than diffusion in the general GBs. Both the GBs and the TJ
studied here show a premelting behavior near the bulk melting point, where
their diffusivities converge to the diffusivity of bulk liquid. Although our
results are consistent with the common assumption that TJ diffusion is
generally faster than GB diffusion, the difference between the two
diffusivities does not appear to be large enough to ensure a significant
contribution of TJs to diffusional creep in polycrystals at high temperatures.