Submitted on 24 Aug 2009
Reassessment of the NuTeV determination of the Weinberg angle
W. Bentz, I. C. Cloet, J. T. Londergan, A. W. Thomas
In light of the recent discovery of the importance of the isovector EMC
effect for the interpretation of the NuTeV determination of sin^2 theta_W, it
seems timely to reassess the central value and the errors on this fundamental
Standard Model parameter derived from the NuTeV data. We also include earlier
work on charge symmetry violation and the recent limits on a possible asymmetry
between s and \bar{s} quarks. With these corrections we find a revised NuTeV
result of sin^2 theta_W = 0.2232 \pm 0.0013(stat) \pm 0.0024(syst), which is in
excellent agreement with the running of sin^2 theta_W predicted by the Standard